Site Rules
No offensive content
No Trolling
No spreading of any copyrighted material
No spamming
No advertising
Please be nice
Site Rules
How We Moderate The Discussions
In moderating the Forum it is our intention to provide the best and most respectful on-line environment for our members and guests . In so doing we aim to do the following:
A. Clarify themes; present any forums themes so that people need to know what they'll be joining i.e if a member starts a forum that confuses another we will provide an alternative name/description but only if this is required.
B. Create a clear structure; turn the themes into a clear structure with main categories and subcategories; organise discussions to make it easier for members to find the information they need.
C. Develop clear rules that include respecting other community members, even when there is a disagreement; refraining members from slurs or other discriminatory behaviour; refraining members from name-calling; refraining members from using illegal terms or activities in the forum; and refraining everyone from spamming.
D. Promote the forum using online marketing tactics; announce the forum to others using social media advertising.
E. Create some moderator involved discussion topics to create interest and involvement.
F. Be transparent in dealing with the above.